• If a property is on a corner lot, we will give credit if you put the correct house number but the

wrong street since it’s not always clear which street is the proper mailing address.

  • If the house number and street are not correct, we will check the address you supplied to see

if there might be duplicate correct answers. It’s happened before.

Forms are due by midnight (EST) on the last day of the hunt.  Options for submitting your answers:

  • Scan and email this form with your answers to info@vallevistahoa.org
  • Drop off your completed form at 853 Granada Dr
  • Text a picture to 317-997-9911

  • Be sure to submit your answers even if you don’t find all the items – you could still win.
  • Winners will be based on the highest number of correct answers. In the event of a tie, a random drawing will determine the winner.
  • Prizes will be awarded in the form of gift cards to local business for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
  • One entry per household
  • Must be a current HOA member to win.

Non-members:  Join now for $25 to get your two (2) free Discount Cards as well as a chance to win. Go to www.vallevistahoa.org to join. You must join by the Scavenger Hunt deadline to be eligible to win.

Scavenger Hunt

Valle Vista Scavenger Hunt 

A scavenger hunt is a great family-friendly activity for people of all ages. Anyone who would like to participate, see if you can find these things around the neighborhood on your walk this weekend. 

DOWNLOAD: 2024 Scavenger Hunt List

All items are clearly visible from the street, so no need to wander through yards. Find as many of the items as you can in the neighborhood. Items can be anywhere on the property. Please do not go on driveways or yards of homes. Note the house number and street name where you find the item (i.e. 123 Hacienda).

​​​​​​​Working together to maintain Valle Vista as one of Greenwood, Indiana's finest communities

The Home Owners Association of Valle Vista